Well I finally made a final rd this season, we have got to race 4 races this season due to bad weather, and I have been to the qts, and semi's twicem but somehow managed to be on the loosing end of a .00 stripe every losing rd, not complaining but just couldn't seem to be on the lucky end of the ticket, total for the other 3 rds lost is .009 just good tight racing, but that was taken care of last night as I managed to make the finals, and here are the sorted details:

1st tt the car goes a 6.973 just what the weather station said it would run for the air we had, and went back for the 2nd tt in the other lane and the car goes, a .970, 2 runs within .003 thou, the car and track is there.

1st rd I dial a .96, the car I have breaks in the water box, and I get a freebie, run it out and the car goes a .965 dead on for the win.

2nd rd I leave the .96 on the car, and have a 6.04 opponent, we do our burnouts, and I notice they are backing him off the track, he was pouring something out on his side, could lady luck be with me tonight I thought, so I make another freebie, and the car goes another .96 with an egg.

3rd rd I dial the car a .95 as the weather is changing some and the baro is starting to rise, well I have to run someone this rd, he is late, and cannot overcome the distance, I an on the brakes some and go a .96 on the .95, good for the win.

4th rd I leave the .95 on the car, have a 7.35 racr, we do our burnouts and stage up he leaves, and I have him caught by the middle of second gear, I put a wheel on him, and take the stripe, just tapping the brakes, and go another .96, another rd another win.

5th rd there are 4 cars left, the guy I have has been the track champion for the last 3 seasons, he, myself, and 1 other guy have won the track championship for the past 6 years, so he is tough, we have flipped for lanes, and he won, then they tell me I am the bye car that rd, so I get lane choice, they always pull a bye every rd, whether there is an odd number of cars or not, but I was not gonna take the lane away from him after all we had already flipped, and he won, seems fair to me, so we do our burn outs, stage up I leave first, and feel like it hit the tree good, and felt like he probably did to as he usually does, when we get to the stripe, here he is, and I never lift I just run it out, come what may, well my light comes on, and on th the final, when I get the slip I am .5000 on the tree, dead on .95 2ith a 3, missed a perfect run by .003, but it is a win, and by the way this is the 4th time I have had to run him this season already, and have took the win every time, last season I could not buy a rd with him, guess this stuff goes in cycles.

Now the final rd is coming up, my opponent is a good guy, and tuff racer, always goes rds, so we shake hands, split the final rd money, and have at it, I go .498 red to his .515 green, we both run it out and he goes .02 under, and I go another dead on .95 all I needed was a decent green to be with him at the stripe, and might have pulled it out, but the red eye told the tale, I guess I owed him as he went red for me a few weeks ago, see where the cycle stuff comes in at, any way, as I said we had already split the money down the middle, all we were running for was points, and with the r/up last night I am 3 rds in the lead for the track championship as of right now, gonna be a tuff season, having the pts lead this early, makes for a long tuff year, but we will see how it goes.

Sorry for such a long post,
