

it pulls to the right on hard braking.

That means the left side ain't doing it's job so I'd open up the LF & go from there. I'd get that squared away then you'll be in a better frame of mind to decide if/what brake upgrade you need. I run them & they are somewhat inadequate & I barely get by puttin' around town at slow speeds. If your brake shop arcs linings take the drums with the linings in & here it's $5 a corner & doesn't take long & it makes a world of difference on how much contact area there is between the shoes & the drums. Best $20 I ever spent. You'd think they'd be concentric as is but that ain't the case. If you check the wear pattern there's alot of swept area that ain't being used. they match each pair of shoes to their respective drum so keep em together when you get em back if you go that route. Not sure on what'd be a good SBP disc upgrade but not sure I'd want to go with the 65-72 OE discs but maybe with ceramic pads & a bed in procedure. Holler how it turns out

I sent the car to be properly aligned and they broke the cam bolts. So I removed the uppers and new bushings and cams later... but while apart I adjusted the rt wheel bearing and now it pulls rt. They are all new so the loose bearing was it wearing in. This is typical stuff. I figured it needs adjustment and "arcing" the shoes does work; sadly nobody I know does them any more. When I worked for the dealer we were just ending riveting new liners on the shoes. I'll pull both apart this weekend and see what is going on. They even might be too tight and are over heating and failing.

Thanks for the advice,