Hey guys i know its been a while like i said it would be , Been putting in to many hours at work.
But i just wanted every one to know how things turned out , the car has been back up and running for 2 weeks .
The problem i have been chasing since last summer was caused by the Teflon hard plastic valve seals i had on my heads.
I was unaware that those were bad for street engines and they started wearing out the guides some have 6 to 8 thou clearance .
so the new seals are a temporary fix i know but the car is not smoking now and seams to have more power .
I also changed the springs because i found the the springs i had were dangerously close to coil bind like less the .060 thou.
My plan is to run it this summer and get fresh valve job in winter to correct the guide wear caused by 5 summers of driving on occasion with those dam Teflon seals.
I just don't under stand why the head manufacture would even put those things on in the first place ?
They trying to save money ? leave them off less damage would have resulted!
Drag motors don't need them if the guides are set up right at least not on exhaust side.
Anyway lesson learned Rubber or Viton for street and drag None and
never Teflon again!

1969 Dodge Charger 1969 Dodge Superbee