

Not in Akron but not far.There is a small station on 224 and 45 near Canfield that has it at the pump.We get it there on the way to Quaker.Rocky

I know the place you are talking about. Any idea of the price right now? Michaels auto parts in Macedonia used to sell Cam 2 but they were pretty expensive and not sure if they are still selling it there so call first.

I used to buy it by the drum from Ravenna Oil but they discontinued selling them last year.


I believe there is a Duke station in Barberton that sells Cam-2 near Barberton Speedway. Also hear of a place at RT. 619 & Massillon Rd. that also has Cam-2.

The Coppersmith on S. Main Street has VP but they are $$$$. I've gone to Roemer's on Brookpark Rd. in Cleveland to buy it in the drum. Don't know if Mark Pawak at IMPACO in Richfield is dealing with the VP anymore

Can't think of others off hand