You didn't miss much

Yes, that is an aftermarket bubble and the openings were not trimmed all the way as originals were (that angular line in the center upper oppenings shouldn't be there).

Excluding pilot cars, advertising cars, and factory promo cars etc. 1970 bubbles were most commonly textured argent, (early production) red cars were painted red, and a few very late 70 cars reprotably came with the 1971 style black organosol bubbles. That said the vast majority of 1970 Shaker cars came with textured argent bubbles. Conversly, In 1971 there could have been a few early cars that came with a leftover textured argent bubble but the vast majority were all black organosol.

Excluding pilot cars, advertising cars, and factory promo cars etc. The grills in regular production line shaker bubbles were always painted a shade of satin black.