

I have never calculated nor even thought about my 0-60 time before, lol!

0-60 times are for the magazine readers and bench racers.

nobody cares about 0-60 until you start reading R&T, C&D, MT, etc. and they're trying to give you specs on the latest and greatest sports car to hit the market.

real racers care about 60' times. 1.6 is good. 2.3 is not.

What do you think the 60' time would be for the package I am describing?

1973 Dodge Charger SE 400 automatic transmission. Curb weight: 3800 lbs. All stock so far. Goal: Reliable everday driveable warmed up 400 as close to 400hp as possible, then a 470 stroker if need be. Don't protect a feminist when the collapse comes!