This car has been in my care since 2005 and unfortunately I haven't driven it much. Seems other things take up too much of my time.

It has an interesting history. Sold new less than 2 hours from here, it has been all over the country before coming back to Ohio. The original owner received the car as a high school graduation gift! He actually drove it down to Ohio State when he attended college, and it went with him to Arizona. Interesting too is that Keith Rohm (who you may know from the Nats judging) went to school with the original owner and remembers the car well. It stayed with the original owner for almost 30 years, then changed hands several times between 2000 and 2005.

I have a stack of paperwork about 1" thick including repair records, emission testing, registrations, etc and new dealer selling paperwork. The car was ordered in November 70 and delivered about 3 weeks later with a sales price of $3892.52. The original owner tells me he has the window sticker somewhere, but so far he's been unable to find it. I've not been able to find a broadcast sheet in the car.

I'm still trying to get the original owner to send me photos of the car from back when it was new.

addict:to devote or surrender (oneself) to something habitually or obsessively ....hmmmm