I have a sb aluminum intake that seems to have been underwater or have developed an antifreeze leak on a previous motor. It looks like the leak occurred at one of the water passages and perhaps hydrolocked the engine; then sat there like that until someone got around and disassembled it.

The inside of the runners develops a grainy white growth,even after it was removed/cleaned. The intake manifold face at the waterpassage is coroded and dimpled for several inches. I know that someone is going to say post a picture. I just reformatted the computer and haven't got the picture size thing figured out yet.

Can the intake face be sealed with a product and given an epoxy skim or something? Suggestions? other than get a new intake. I am just looking for a short term fix for a year or so, until the new engine is ready.

Too many cars, too many parts, too little coin, too little space to work in, too little time left to make it all happen! Update: down to one ride, still too many parts, a little more jingle in the pocket, gaining space, and it's going to happen this year!