
Nice to see that my "negative" shipping charge post was erased for the good of the business. Oh well.

Just to clarify; I did not delete the post; not sure who did; and I do not support anyone deleting it on my behalf. I am big boy and can handle any negative feedback.

We handle over 1,000 orders per year partime and have few complaints but we do screw up from time to time; certainly not perfect; we are just trying to make some money to pay for my own truck addiction.

As for shipping costs - we use an automated UPS provided shipping calculator and it for some un-determined reason is high on some orders. So we end up issuing credits on about 1/4 of our orders. I have worked with UPS for 5 years now fine tuning the process but mainly on smaller items/orders it just still is not accurate.

Any time you have an issue with shipping cost on something please contact us we work things out all the time.
