Saying goodbye to a dear friend had to be the hardest part of my year. I still don't think I have quite been able to come to terms with the whole 'goodbye' thing.

I think I'll pick 'see you soon' instead.

So no, this is NOT just another chat board. There are people on the other side of these computer monitors with real feelings, and genuine hearts.

I still shake my head in amazement at the new friends I have gained since Gary's death (Iron's family) and just have to sit back and say... "wow that is so like Gary, even bringing people together as he is leaving".

To those of you who know me personally, (and even those of you who don't) please know I wish you all every good thing. Happy Holidays from me to you and yours. I look forward to many more years in review through the good times and the bad.

Thanks to Tom for giving us a place to laugh, talk shop, rejoice, and even cry and thanks for making this the best place in cyber space. You are all greatly appreciated.
