
Hey Kevin, I was told torque do destroyer parts, that is what I'm scare of. Now here the kicker so don't laugh, I was going to use the od 4sd on the street and the regular 4sd which I was going to let Liberty face plate and use a v-gate shifter at the track.

833OD? (sorry had to laugh)

I know a guy that runs an 833OD in his Hemi RR with no troubles BUT he doesn't beat on it and by that I mean no drag strip launches or power shifts and OD is for cruise ONLY. He runs it up to whatever in 3rd and holds it there in OD. If he needs to accelerate from like 60 to 80 it's back to 3rd to do it. He has driven it from Canada to Florida several times.

Your right foot will ultimately determine how long less than ideal parts will last.
