

what size alt and crank pulley are you running now? i trans brake my car to 5000 and dont want to be losing belts..thanks

Sorry just looked at my notes 1.7 was my target ratio. Current pulleys 4.5 crank/2.5 alt 1.8 ratio. alt pulley is a little small, but I have had no trouble.

Around a 5"crank/3"alt (1.67 ratio) would be a good place to start.

sounds good i have a 5 inch crank pulley now will get a new 90 amp alt with 3 inch pulley,,thanks

"rule of thumb" alternators redline at 16,000 to 18,000 RPM. You probably want to be at around this RPM at engine redline to keep idle output adequate. It depends a lot on the engine setup but 1.67 ratio sounds a bit low. A bigger crank pulley or smaller alternator pulley may be in order.