It sounds like you want the go-ahead to tool splurge!

You can usually get a toe dolly, combo dolly, picking hammer, shrinking hammer and a slapper used. Tools are nice, but you will want the money ON the car, not in your box.

I try to find a fender or hood from the same era for metal, rather than buy a flat sheet of modern metal.

The thing that stands out for me on the list is the compressor. Check your CFM rating on the gun and the compressor. It may not be able to keep up.
Don't forget personal safety stuff! Don't shoot without a good mask at least. Good to have something for when you are sanding too.

Talk to your local paint supply place and they should set you up with materials that work well together and are easy for a newbie. If possible, drive it over and have them look it over before you start. Use real tape, not the Home Depot stuff. Same with the paper or plastic masking. No newspaper!

Also, start lubing any fasteners that will be removed. Once the thing is bare, you do not want ANY spray stuff around, especially anything with silicone (armor all, tire dressing) - it's asking for fish eyes!

If possible, use a local college facility. It works for me!

EDIT: One tool that I've used a lot is a stud gun.
You can even use it to shrink a oil canned dent.
Here's a cheap one.

7536636-IMG_1437.jpg (146 downloads)
Last edited by RodStRace; 01/07/13 01:34 PM.