
Post some pictures of the complete setup.

That's the plan... especially when I have some results to post, too.

I'm really interested in seeing if my approach to testing (using an air bell on top of the carb + mounting the fixture to a cylinder head bore adapter as I mentioned previously) helps show up more significant differences in flow results when testing different size venturi sleeves w/ my BG carbs.

Example: When Dwayne Porter posted carb flow test results waaaaaay back when from his old SF-110, his dry vs. calc'd wet flow #s were:

1.562" venturi + downleg = 1000.7 dry / 920.6 calc'd wet
1.562" venturi + annular = 980.5 dry / 902.0 calc'd wet
1.425" venturi + downleg = 964.1 dry / 886.9 calc'd wet

In comparison, BG's published wet flow #s for those same three configurations were:

1.562" venturi + downleg = 1084
1.562" venturi + annular = 875 (not a misprint; annular boosters have a much bigger impact on wet flow ratings)
1.425" venturi + downleg = 980

Even if BG's wet flow #s can't be compared to anything I might find, I was really surprised at how much smaller the gains were w/ Dwayne's tests when comparing the 1.562" vs 1.425" sleeves w/ downleg boosters...