Picked up a 70 Satellite parts car a few years ago and the vinyl top was mostly gone but enough of it still there to see it's a gator grain material. The fender tag and sheet were MIA but appears to be triple FK5 orange.
I've also got another 70 Sat that I've had for years and it has it's tag and BS intact. So I just got curious the other day and decoded it just for fun. Guess what, it's got V1G on the tag and BS. I never knew it was a gator grain car because it didn't have a vinyl top on it when I got it. The tag shows this one to be FF4, lime green metallic. Apparently someone removed it long ago and painted the top same as body color.

So was this a common option in 1970? I've read where the V1G indicates gator grain same as body coler which would be lime green in this case. And then other sources how V1G to be black gator grain. Anyone know which is correct?


69 EF8 GTX 440 auto
72 EB5 RR/GTX 440 auto
70 EW1 GTX 440-6 4 spd
70 EF8 Satellite 318 auto (452 coming soon)
70 FK5 Satellite 318 auto
71 FC7 Cuda 340 4 spd