

Doc is talking 25 years ago when he was selling to MP...
look at ANY fiberglass part for prices... hell you
wont find a cheap bumper for that now

Damn Mike .. is has almost been 25 years since selling to Mopar Performance ! .. and the reason why I stopped selling to them ...is the same reason why Jack Mc was not a happy-seller to them either ...aka Accounts Payable.

I am getting back into-it ...but on a much smaller scale ...even though I was never the BIG FISH in the pond(as far as production capabilities) to start-off with.

Yeah Doc, I know all to well about accounts payable...
if every T wasnt crossed or I wasnt dotted... kicked
back and another 60 days MINIMUM before it went out
again... my wife dealt with the computer security
for them and I was one of the users of the system
for my department