
I actually looked at those S/Rs. They don't make them in a 255/60/15 though. Closest they have is a 26 x 10. A little shorter than what I'm looking for

Maybe the Cobra 255/60s are a good choice

True. as an inch smaller diameter, that will translate into a .5" overall height difference. Opposite side of that is the 28x10, which would sit .5" taller than a 255.


Thanks for all the help TC. One more question for ya if you don't mind. If the Cobras/MT STs are superior to the BFG TAs, why do everyone at the tire shops say the TAs have more grip? Keep in mind, this car likely see around 1,500 miles a year. I'm looking for long life- just a tire that'll grip a little when I get on it.

Sure, I hope it helps. With the SR and SA1, you can get matching fronts, if that is a big priority. SA1 also comes in exactly a 255/60 and 205/70.

Dunno why dealers in your area bash the Cobras. Do the BFGs offer better dealer pricing with a bigger margins and a larger network? No actual first hand exerience but they look good so they must be good? They sell tons of them therefore they must be good? Since the are M&S rated, they must have decent traction? Only they know exactly. I'd pose the question to the guys driving them first. In my experience, BFGs looked good and last a long time, but the last set I had were on a Fiat Spyder 1800 and it could break them loose. Not exactly a grippy tire in that regard.