
The problem I see with the Powder puff thing is that times have changed.
Back when those events were popular, very few women drove race cars. The idea was to get a bunch of inexperienced ladies to climb into a race car for the entertainment of witnessing that inexperience displayed.

As more and more ladies entered the racing world as drivers, the entertainment value disappeared along with their inexperience. These days, it wold probably be hard to see much difference, there are a lot of very good lady drivers.

I just don't see it being a big deal these days. Sorry, Gene

On any given race day I am sure you can find 4 or 5 really good female drivers running their 10 second cars whipping the tar our of their male counterparts. Put 20-25 of those women all together in 12 second and slower cars and put a good announcer on the P-A System and you have makings for a good race. Gene,We even have a pretty good car show for the people who want to show off their talants of rod building. Come on out and bring your ride!