
I remember reading here a while back where someone sonic checked a bunch of blocks and the later model blocks were no different than the earlier ones. Any of them can be thin, best bet is to have it checked. The myth that the later model blocks are too thin is just that...a myth.

AndyF did that article, the shop owner talked about above is an IDIOT and believes the MYTH that was put out by MP(LARRY SHEPARD) Tell your friend to take that engine build elsewhere if the guy is that stupid.

Any and ALL blocks should be sonic checked , Andy's article showed the later blocks actually had THICKER walls than the early blocks and the core shift didn't seem to be as bad. The later blocks are a little softer but that is not necessarily a bad thing. ANY block going over .030 should be sonic checked first , even the later MP SIAMESE bore blocks , Don't ask me how I know ...