This is the only picture I took of the front end chrome. I spent night after night working on every single part. Stripped the anodizing, tapped out dents, sanded from 80 grit to 2000 grit with everything in between and polished, buffed, polished, painted and polished again. My finger tips looked like they had been through a meat grinder after I was done. I wanted it to turn out better and I personally think it's the worst part of the build but I have had more compliments about how good it turned out. Folks have asked if I had it chromed. I guess the eye sore in my mind is an eye catcher for others. You'll see it all come together as things progress. I don't want to spoil the fun!

New headlights and restored wiring. Those are new PLYMOUTH letters too. Man are they nice!

Bumper filler done and in place.

Those oh so beautiful parking lights like no other!