I went through the same thing , I added a 750 proform center body
to my Demon carb .It came with 36 High bleeds .
Went to the track and was bs,ing with other guys and they were telling
me that 36s might be to big ,so they gave me some 10/32 brass set screws
drilled out to 32s,so I tried them and instantly picked up a 10/th,
next pass tried some 30s and picked up some more,almost another
10/th,so then I tried some 28s added a little more timing,and picked up
another 10/th and started spinning on the launch,which it never did .
So try both ways ,a bag of 100 set screw from Mcmaster carr cost me
10 bucks shipped,set of wire drill bits are 40 bucks ,then you can make your own bleeds .