Just go to Ace Hardware. In the paint department, I bought a two part epoxy, PC.7. On the can it states that it is for repairing steering wheels. I then bought a spray can of the light brown paint for plastic, matching the original color very close. I then bought a dark brown bottle of paint and some artst brushes. I applied the epoxy following the instructions, let it dry and sanded it to follow the contours of the rest of the rim. Then I sprayed the entire rim with the plastic paint and let it dry. Then I used the artist brushes and brown paint to apply the "grain". Just before it dried, I used a rag and gently "smeared" the grain. I let it dry over night and sprayed the entire rim with a non-glossy plastic clear. The wheel has been exposed to the sun for hours with the top down and several show judges have asked who I sent it to for restoration. Total cost, under $50. I couldn't afford to send my car off for someone else to restore, but I did have lots of time on winter evenings!

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