
OK, now that you got me delving into this, I have noticed something interesting.
Here is a closeup of the corner of the "dark argent" depression around the engine numbers.

You can see the little square texture pieces. It look to me, through the magnifying glass, that the texture pieces are the same color in both the light and dark areas; they look like small flecks of metal.

It looks as though the difference in appearance is because the recessed area is painted black while the raised portion is chrome. You can see the square flecks laying across the black paint edge, implying that the metallic flake material was applied after a black paint coat.

Under magnifier, the light area looks just like the argent on some light center caps that I have.


This seems more likely to me, doesn't seem they would mask twice for 2 shades of argent. And the recessed areas would accumulate more dirt/ and be worn less from scrubbing sponges and rags over the years, further giving them a darker appearance.

Last edited by GO_Fish; 10/01/12 06:30 PM.

Scott B. "I'm a self-made man... I started with nothing, and I still have most of it!" 68 360 rusty B'cuda 'vert (GO Fish)13.59@ 98.72 mph 69 340 GTS stock 14.18@ 95.60 mph 01 5.9L Ram 1500 Quad Cab 4x4 01 3.5L 300M 16.23@ 86.97 mph