No I agree with the statement of hot spots, BUT, TO MUCH FUEL is the problem. Yes you pull fuel through the idle circuits BUT, again most of this is caused by the throttle blades being open to far up the transition slots in the throttle plate or even so far that the carb is even running on the main circuits which will pull, again, TO MUCH FUEL at idle causing said dieseling. The proper idle adjustment would be to take carb off and set front throttle blades so that transition slots are square or just over, than start INCREASING base timing somewhere in the neighbor hood of 13*-22* till the thing idles well. This will also clean up the idle emissions and help off idle hesitations. ITS ALL RELATIVE TO THE THROTTLE PLATE OPENINGS. This can also be caused if the rear butterflies are open to much. Just trying to help people tune their cars properly.

IT almost always because we all like our cams to rumble which causes us to open up the idle screw to make it idle which exposes these much misunderstood transition slot and then the motor just pulls way to much fuel all the time.

Last edited by kilroy; 09/08/12 02:33 PM.

1973 Charger, former SE, former auto

I'm not trying to be difficult, it comes naturally....