If you are rural, then more power to you.

Since I have lived where I live for 27 years and am getting wiser I don't do them anymore at home. I get way more positive support from my neighbors and they know the car can do it.

I did one on the street in front of my house about 20 years ago while 2 of my neighbors watched and egged me on. So I do and when I got home the other neighbor from the other side of the street came over and ripped me a new butt hole. Said his daugters were out in the yard and I could have killed someone!!

His yard is up a hill and I would have to be going pretty fast to make it up into his yard. He moved about 15 years ago and I have out lived 3 other neighbors now. lol

So anyway after that ordeal I rethinked it and haven't done another one since. Now barking the tires into 2nd happens all the time.

Plus I have seen some of my neighbors at the drag races watching me race, so I feel that responsible actions on my part is best around where I live.

Now I do own some parking lot's where I can have at it, but it's not really that much fun after having 2800 hp under my foot in my dragster.
One of my parking lots. web page