
Ron; It's more like a barn door, 38.5 square feet of area. Mike; I built a 4-link from scratch a couple years ago. I'm sure it just needs some adjusting. The vibration I think is pinion angle under load.
All in all it ran fairly well for an untested (at the strip) chassis setup. 3860lbs. Dave

4-link... sounds like you need to move the pinion angle
(4-links like 1* or less but not zero) and reduce
some of the preload on the RR... my buddy has a 52
ford PU with a bore 460... he runs 11.50 with 1.4x
60' times.... he's a couple pounds heavier than you
and I mean just a couple... good job... get the 4-link
squared away and you'll pick up(no punnn....lol)