Not sure where to shop for them, but from my experience Top Cats are the best. I'm like you have a set made by someone else back when I did my 71 in 05, they didn't fit worth a crap and were a different design. Luckily my old ones were in pretty good shape and I reused them.

Then I think at the Nationals a few years ago I picked up a set of Top Cats, isn't it the same guy First place auto or something like sells the repo wings too?

Anyway I put them on my 74 a few weeks ago and they fit great and work wonderful. Set my glass guides with my new "whiskers" and now my doors are much quieter when I slam it, no glass sound.

Take this lower stop out and you can get to all the screws.

I did it on a 95 degree day while the car was still on the trailer from last trip. Didn't like seeing water run down there as I'm washing off Bonneville salt! It was a good time to use a shop vac and clean out my doors and make sure the drains are open.

My old ones that weren't really there. lol

The wife is unloading the RV and I'm working on the car. Got to have your priorities in order.