
What holds the molding to the top of the door for a 68 roadrunner and where can I get them? Thanks

It's an angled "scissor" clip for lack of a correct term and the only place and person that I know of that knows the correct one is R/T Specialties. I thought I was looking at the correct clips I needed for the "belt molding" (correct term btw) on my '68 road runner at R/T's vendor site at Carlisle one year and Tom pointed out they were not the ones I needed and he didn't have any at the moment. (some others would have sold them to me anyway) and he was right, I had a few left on my original molding and they are angled for the shape of the tops of the doors.

Call R/T and asked if they have them now or call someone else and they'll sell you the incorrect one or maybe not depending on the vendor
