Its late, im pissed, I posted in the roller vs FT post ive went cheap on a couple solids recently and used comps heavy edms and was not impressed at the overall quality.

I have one set in a motor now with just a fireup to make sure all seems ok and was thinking as I was getting ready to test fit another set and how I felt the overall quality sucked.

So I started to take them apart to clean, the last set I soaked, (mistake) as after cleaning with carb cleaner and 110psi I was looking at the lifter bodies and this is what I found.

The one on the left side is oval and at an angle but the hole size seemed ok with other edm-s ive used, then in the center is Mr Big, Ive got to measure it but its at least 1/3 larger then the oval slotted one.

Now the kicker and why im going to pull the other build back down is after soaking with carb cleaner for 1/2 hour and blowing 110psi of air in the body and trying to clear the hole I cant get carb cleaner to weep through it, I cant get a needle to start to go in....3 out of the 16 will not oil the lobe as delivered.

Ive a hp spring in a hv pump, but it wont do dick with 3 of these lifters, now I can make these all equal, or should I ship them back to comp so they can look them over and decide how many other sets they have sold like these and maybe this is a reason some comp edm users are eating lobes.

The past few years ive got junk from comp 1/2 the time, I look for 20 year old stock and it seems ive got to go back to that line of thought.

If it wasnt for the pushrod length difference id go back to the full body solids like ive used to use long ago and never had a problem.

I also feel if one was running alot of spring pressure with a high lift solid there would be cup issues sooner or later

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