I changed my interior from pearl white to landau black with SEMs products.

I don't think vinyl prep is supposed to be used as the main "cleaner". It is prep to get any final oil, residues, etc. right before applying color.

I first scrubbed the heck out of everything with a nylon brush and Crud Cutter (Lowe's I think...). I did this multiple times then let dry really well on a hot day in the sun.

When setting everything up to dye, I used the vinyl-prep in the spray bomb. Spray it on, then wipe it off with a damp cloth and let air dry.

After that, went at everything with landau black until covered. Don't get carried away, it goes on very thin. Many light coats is key.

I finally hit everything with two coats of the low luster clear coat.

The stuff is very forgiving. It ran on me a few times (was not being careful in a rush) and I just wiped the run and sprayed back over it. It blends great.

My door panels wrinkled on me and I freaked. It must have been a chemical reaction, because they tightened back up by the next day.

Prep, prep, and more prep. Pick a low humidity day, etc. just like when spraying paint.

383, Hemi 4-Speed, AlterKtion, D60