
Does anyone know what type of injury occurred so that the rest of us can guard against it in the case of a mishap?

armco rail went through the car with obvious results...sadly there's only one way to guard against that, don't race at a track that has it.

i'm sure i might get flamed for this but on another site a member made mention of some of the (ever increasing) nhra and ihra regulations regarding safety equipment and such. then went on to mention that perhaps some of this would be better invested in making facilities (racing surface and surroundings) safer to begin with.

i fully agree with this opinion.

i don't know how many tracks still use these type barriers but i'm sure there's still a fair amount and i know i've run at a lot of them over the years.

with regards to safety, engineering controls are to be used preferential to safety equipment with safety equipment being your last line of defense. what this means it don't try to build a car that will survive accidents such as this but better yet remove the hazard (rail) to begin with.

this may sound ridiculous to some but personally i think the large sum of money that is WASTED on replacing belts that's there's nothing wrong with every two years would be better spent towards removing this particular hazard from tracks. i wouldn't really call this a freak accident, one of US is no longer here because of these rails and it could happen to anyone running next to these rails.

it's a horrible accident and the least that can be hoped for is that it brings to the forefront a problem and solution so we don't see more stories like it.

anyhow that's how i see it