Pick me Pick me! I could write several chapters!!!
My all time favorite were the guys that kept on breaking stock 302 blocks in their 10.5 tire Mustang with a hair dryer the size of a pizza on it--they WOULD NOT go with an aftermarket block--well....they brought in the latest build to dyno--first time they had done that --First hard pull under a TON of boost you could see the damper move about what looked like 1/2 inch as the entire deal flexed that much under load--it was eye popping ( and block popping) I have always remembered that when someone talks about crank flex etc
Roller cams will push forward enough to crack an aluminum waterpump housing--that is why most used ones are in the flea market. On a budget build I used to JB weld some valve spring shims in the gap after I had end play set like I wanted it then last year did one, went to the pits after a few passes to look in on how they were doing--leaned over and noticed my JB shim pack was gone! Use a good cover boys--it is a must with roller cams.