spindles will swap--if you are putting the rack in front you will have to cut a huge chunk of metal out of the K member --as far akerman goes no known front suspension system is without problems---engineers go with a setting that the average dolt wont get into trouble with---if you want a visual of what your new system should be just jack up your car--inspect the center link on your car then your rack, the joints of the tierod ends should bend down at the same spot---when you mount the rack it should mimick the same level as the center link-(a dakota 2wheel rack is actually more narrow than the pinto by one inch)---your tie rod ends run parallel to the lower control arm which on a torsion bar car is hard to see---you will have to go with a visual of what the old tie rod ends are set at----it is doable and the hardest part will be cutting away at the K member----bob