

I have rotors Blanchard/Surface ground rather than "turned", results are far superior in obtaining an almost zero runout condition

so, where does one go to do that? and how much does it typically cost? brand new rotors are about $50 a piece

I've found a few muffler/brake shops that have the equipment designed just for Blanchard grinding rotors (same process used to cut flywheels) I have new and used rotors squared up this way, esp used, if there's any hard spots from being overheated a brake lathe can't cut that hard spot well, and you end up with a warped rotor...blanchard gring is done with a ceramic stone that grinds the surface, the rotor needs to have the races/bearings supplied when done,...price is currently $30 a pair, just ask your local shops if they turn or surface grind rotors to find a source
