
That is cute all right. Actually I'm sort of okay with GM trucks, I think Ford is a pretty good truck as well but with a poor engine.
If size matters though when I got my International 9900 stuck after putting a 53' into a very difficult spot on Monday it was a Dodge that got me out. After dollying off the trailer and pulling forward so I could back out beside the trailer I had just dropped off, my front wheels went slightly over the bank on top of a cliff and my 3way lockers in the back weren't enough. The customer hooked his 05 Cummins up and after about the 3rd jerk with me spinning 6 tires and the Dodge spinning all four, she came out. I wouldn't have let him try it if he didn't have a solid axle in both ends. Anyone can parade around on smooth pavement with no hills though.


at 26000+ lbs loaded the old girl never even breathed hard pulling the 6% grades through Georgia & Tennessee
