
I have a lot of people make good comments about it.
... and they always ask what kinda exh system i have.. Then when i tell them its all factory exhaust except no res they are like really, (hell ya) and it only took an hour at the shop, plus its a good starting point on the tune you want, ................. wish you could hear mine, bet you would like it..

Best idea I've seen in a while.

I've heard of people doing this on the Rams; I have an '07 with MDS and was thinking about either doing this modification or finding a new system that some Goof took off his SRT Ram.

Do you get any "drone" out of yours, Don?

Any ideas to cut the cats out and fool the 2nd sensor? I'd like to do that first 'cuz it worked really well (+1.5 mpg) on my 360 Magnum.........

Mo' Farts

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