This question comes up every time a Body in white topic comes up ,so here is the answer.I was the one who received the body ,Thanks to Zippy.When I received the car I was in the process of building a new home ,during that time NRC race cars had the car in there shop trying to locate parts to build the car -all the little things a body in white doesn't come with.Later during that time the home-builder I was using left (stole) a $178,000 of my money and I had to stop all projects to focus on getting justice and my home finished! A member here asked about the car and I decided to sell to a MOPARTS MEMBER instead of just covering it up in storage and allow someone else to complete the car as that's what the hold intentions was to get one of these cars out in race trim for the public to see and fly the mopar banner.There have been pics posted of the car lately and its coming along nicely and I'm happy for him. I'm sorry I couldn't finish the car .but my family must come before a race car.Hopefully this answers the questions that's everyone keeps asking.Again I'm sorry if I offended anyone ,mainly Zippy for all his help at the time ,it was an honor to be chosen at the time and I'm truly sorry to have let him down.