

OK so what's the pencil trick?

Well without digging out one of my older motor manuals from the 60's lets see if I can remember.

It goes something like this.........They tell you to pull a plug wire off at the plug and then start the car while holding the pencil lead part between the plug wire and the plug itself as they tell you to hold the plug wire end about 3/4 of an inch from the plug end with the pencil in between them. Then you see what side of the pencil you see the spark on. Is it on the plug wire side or the plug side. I actually tried it once and got the chit shocked out of me. So I figured I would just use the scope from now on. I will try to dig out one of my old manuals tomorrow as now I really want to see if I am right. Ron

I guess I will just have to show my age. The spark will be on the spark plug side of the pencil when the coil polarity is correct. You don't even want to think about trying this trick with todays ignition systems - unless you have someone that knows how to give CPR standing by BTW, rule of is a loss 15% or more effciency when a coil is hooked up backwards.

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