
We walked out in the end, walking through a corridor of hundreds of silent officers at guard outside, to the left and to the right, and then walking past Gary's Challenger. The allegiance of the officers was incredible, how they support one another, it exposed a new great respect for police officers, something we will never forget.

Yes, it is quite a experience. I've been to 8 officer funerals since I started in Law Enforcement and every one of them is so tough. But the show of support is such a great help, especially when the funeral has been for someone I knew. And for those I didn't know I go to show my support for his/her family and friends. I've seen officers from as far away as Washington State (I work in Los Angeles).....its an awe inspiring moment when you see that line of black and white's with the rotating lights miles long....it helps the family and friends know that they are not alone, they are in a big family.

It sounds as if Gary's funeral will go a long way in showing his family and friends the support they need so they can grieve