



You can restore a car for 10K

When I hear guys say they spent 9K on a paint job it just tickles me

Depends on your definition of "restore" Oh boy here we go!

You're exactly right. My definition of restoration requires talent.

Most people's definition of restoration requires other people with the talent and lots of cash!

Im not putting down your so called talent but you cant replate your own bumpers nor can you machine a block properly yourself...There are many things that require outside assistance and cash..I could add up easily 10 grand just in NOS or reproduction parts..
Just for sake of arguement if someone paid three grand to rebuild a motor and three grand to paint a car and three grand for a fresh interior and just a few extras thats ten grand alone and impossible to do..

You're right I cant replate my own bumpers or machine a block. But I know how to do the majority of the work for everything else and I know how to shop. Hell I could easlily add up to 50 grand and more for NOS or reproduction parts, but just because they are NOS or reproduction doesn't mean I need to buy them from the greedy guy selling them. You can have an engine built for less than 3K, and paint for less than 3K, and a really nice interior for less than 3K.
Hell my engine for my Challenger is being fully rebuilt for less than $350 by an engine building legend (it helps to have lots of friends)
It does take a little longer but it can be done for 10K its not easy either but it can be done.

Anyway Nice job on the grille and you are right about having the nickle chrome job, it is completely worth it!