Every summer I spend 6-8 weeks in Montana. When I leave for the season, I prepare my dirt bikes for ten months of non-use by filling the gas tanks and adding some Stabil. Then I shut the fuel valve, start the bikes and run all the fuel out of the carb. Each season when I return the bikes start up pretty easily- they may drip gasoline for a few minutes until the gaskets get saturated, but this system works well.
My 70 Challenger (Holley carb) throws an absolute hissy fit if I don't run it every week. So, I'm thinking, wouldn't it be a good idea to do the same thing on the Chally- put a valve between the fuel pump and carb. When I leave for Montana, I could close the valve, run the carb dry, etc. Am I missing something? Does anyone make such a valve? Also a cheap anti-theft device. Someone jacks your car, they would only get a short distance.