I learned a lesson with diapers and would like to pass the info on to anyione considering buying one. The sportsman do not need to have a SFI certificatioon. That also translates into NHRA not having any spec or requirements as to design or construction materials.
Like everyone else I decided to buy what the required diaper.
I checked around and found a company that many people had used and seemed happy with the product.
OK so I send a pattern and it comes back in a reasonable time and fit pretty good.One of my helpers installed it .
Then about a month later I see something hanging under the car it was the diaper.
One of the catches broke allowing the diaper to flap and melt on the header while a section hit the ground and got ripped up. It was then that I took the time to see what I had purchased. The catches are plastic the type a kid has on his school bag. The straps are made out of another man made material often seen on school bags and those things you wear around your waist to hold valubles. The diaper is made of some synthectic that melts just like nylon. It would shock me if the materials cost more than 5 or 10.00. I* can't post pics from the laptop but will first chance I get

Judging by what I spennt my money on this next5 one will be SFI Kevlar or a homemade one better material and metal latches.

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Sox and Martin Hemi Duster