
If your wanting to keep it stock, you can have originals reconed. I had quite a few reconed by someone up in Mich. Cost was about 37.00 per, did'nt matter what size. PM me if you want his #

Thanks for that offer. I do not have the original outboards speakers to send off. My outboard speaker covers came with a newer Pioneer speakers that will not fit. I may send him the center speaker if I keep it in place. Thanks for the offer and I will let you know if I need his info.


Most GOOD aftermarket speakers will not fit on the driver side because of there bigger magnets that hang down on the switches on the switch panel but you can just put two 3 1/2 speakers in place of the center speaker as there is pleanty of room under there.

I didn't even look at the driver side. Thanks for the heads up and the tip about the 3 1/2s


fwiw....i installed a set of tweeters from radio shack 10 yrs ago,,still sound good,,bolted rite in...

RS was my first stop and the guy said they had not sold Car speakers in about 10 years. Sounds like you got yours just in time.
