
I can't argue with that either. Except that there is a permit process. So give them the permit when they apply. And if someone gets busted for such a minor infraction, give them a fix it it ticket and let them go. Making them miss the race and tow there trailer out of the state on a trailer longer than the one that they are in trouble for is beyond rediculous. I seriously fear for the future of our country when I see stuff like this.

You guys just don't get it do you?????

You fear for the future of our country???? Because DOT has been and always will be dicks when it comes to oversize??

You can get permits up to 5 days in advance, not after you break the law...

The reason a longer double drop can be used to haul them out is because they are ordering the proper permit before picking up the load. These guys (racers) had no permits with origin or destination. So therefore they got to their destination illegally. But the trucking company hauling them out of state went thru the proper channels because they specialize in over size and know what they are doing...

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