Well, this is one of those areas where you have several options.

If you have the money and are of the mind
"Everything MUST be brand spanking new"
go spend it and buy new ones or ante up for NOS.

However, My personal opinion is (unless they are rusty/rusted out):
rebuild your originals.

Let's face it, this hobby is pricey enough replacing stuff that
HAS to be replaced...

It gets REALLY pricey when you start replacing that which
"Really doesn't need to be replaced"...

Obviously, If you want to replace them, me telling you otherwise
won't change your mind....


Brand new pins, bushings, and the S spring on the lower hinge
are fairly cheap and the rebuild is easy to do.

Usually, you only really need to rebuild the driver side.
On 2 door cars, the passenger side is not really worn that bad.
it's just...old...

If you rebuild them yourself
There are 2 schools of thought

Disassemble, blast(clean), repaint, then reassemble


disassemble, blast(clean), re-assemble, then repaint..

The only difference is the appearance on the car.
If you want originality go with the latter...

Bottom line: This is a pretty easy DIY job:
Save your replacement money for other stuff that really needs replacing.

Best of luck to you and thanks for all your contributions to the hobby and this site!