
It's not hard ..I did mine. Never touched a set before. I'd stick w/ the stock jets..maybe go up a size. If you are pulling 15 at idle the factory 6.5 pv wil be fine. make sure the flaots are set right. then turn the idle screws in all the way in. Next turn them out 1.25 turns. start the car and run the idel up to 2400. UNHOOk the vac advance and set the timing in full at 38*. Turn the idle back down to 900, adjust the screws for best vaccum and go for a blast.

x2, you also don't mention how old or abused the carbs are. instead of doing what RR suggested, it might be time to just rebuild them. the kits are about $20 each (you need 3)and contain everything you need except a lower power valve which you will probably need once you pull a vacuum check. i think the kits come with a 6.5.