Well,after talking to Lunati tech they suggested I put in stock type lifters????? So I pulled the intake and started taking the Lunati lifters apart and putting them back in there respective galley. Got to the 15th one on the intake of #8 and it was collapsed, the inner plunger was stuck at the bottom of the lifter. Took a bit getting it out and cleaned up the inner bore of the lifter with rolled up 80 grit and got it working free like the others. Double checked the lash at 1/2 turn past zero, started it up and after 10 minutes at about 1800 to get all the lifters full of oil I think my noise is just about all but gone. Took it for a short drive and 1 lifter left with the smallest of tick's. Gonna take the car out tomorrow if it is dry and see if I can get that to go away.