I believe Trans Am E bodys had black painted springs, but the others were natural.

People will tell you that the Dale's Cuda shop wheel opening trim is the best but THAT WAS NOT MY EXPERIENCE. The ones from Year One were the best. I THINK these are made by Metro, but I'm not sure. What I do know is that the rear trim from Dale's was completely unusable. They were INCHES off. Just buy from Year One first and if you aren't happy with them, their return policy is favorable. However, don't return them until you get another set in hand from whomever you try next. Seriously, I have an unusable set still here in my shop from Dale's. I couldn't believe how bad they were. Otherwise, my experiences with Dale's has been excellent.

Also, I wish I had known, but it is best to have the trim before you start on body work because your wheel openings can be massaged to work with your trim. These trim parts are the weakest point of my car. It doesn't have to be like this PG CLASSICS AND BE&A... you guys can SAVE us!