


well thanx guys.the truck did come with the smarty programmer.ill try it out soon.i have moved to colorado and i left truck there, 1 less thing to move next week,lol. now i get the extra fuel tank in the bed.im looking into 1 of them.every 200 miles i had to stop for fuel.i dont like being down below half tank.

I have the digital propane injection. It does help increase mialage and extends the range of the truck.
I just wish I had gotten a larger propane tank.
I use about 1/2-gallon of propane to 1-gallon Diesel, and my propane tank (19-gallon, but holds 15-gallons plus expansion space) so it needs re-filled every time I fill up with diesel.
The problem is finding a place to re-fill the propane at a reasonable price. The propane place I goto is $2.50/gallon, but the price at the Flying J truck stop is $3.20/gallon.

so what kind of mileage do you get with that setup? how much does it increase the range, assuming 30+ gals of diesel and 15 gallons of propane. just wondering if it's worth it.

I found some deals on the parts when I did mine and it was about $1,500. The fuel savings is a balancing act. For me it seems 50% propane works pretty well. If I turn up the propane higher I do use less Diesel, but way more propane.
For me I get about the same mialage increase as I would with the same amount of Diesel, but the propane costs less. So Normal Highway unloaded I go from about 20 MPG to 30 MPG. This would be 1 gallon diesel + 1/2 gallon propane.
Right now the savings is about $0.02/mile so it would take 75,000+ miles for the system to pay for itself. The propane does make the diesel burn quicker with higher cylinder pressures, so part of my conversion was head studs. The more complete burn is supposed to reduce emissions? and the extra fueling adds power. The extra fuel in the propane tank extends the trucks range by a 1/3. Might be able to go 900 miles highway/unloaded.
I have not towed long distances with the propane, maybe 100 miles one way and back, but the mileage increase looked good from 12 to 20 MPG with the same 50% propane setting, but I have not verified the exact amount of propane used. It seemed to use more propane, but it may have still been around the same proportion?

Here is the article Mopar Muscle did on the propane injection system:

The one issue is Superchips/MSD does not list the DPI system anymore. I think they are still for sale from some places.
Bullydog has a simpler system, but it is just as expensive.
Finding the correct propane tank is not easy. Check with your local propane dealers as they may have some. If not you may have to order directly from Manchester or Sleegers.