This is an issue I bump against too..........I will buy American at every opportunity.
I have no problem with a manufacturer following their business and opening over seas branches , factories and the like.
But using off shore labor to increase profits , eliminate quality and destroy American manufacturing capabilities is where I draw the line.
Autolite spark plugs were my last " I'll never give them another dime of mine " product.
Their market is here , and I have to assume that they have had years of profitability and success.
So why move manufacturing to China ?
Their excellence in metallurgy ?
Or their 40.00 a week labor costs ?
There are some decent parts made over there.
Not many.
But I can't get past my principals.
Some will argue that this is the way things are , so get used to it.
I would argue that a change for the worse is worth re-considering.
Callies is a pretty good value for what you get in their Dragonslayer line.
And worth the extra coins in my opinion.